Street Performer & Magician

I used to shoot every week. I shot with my 35mm Canon AE1 for about a year, and before that, my prized Canonet G3 QL17... those are still my favorite camera to this day. When I see pictures that I had taken with them, I have this strange feeling of nostalgia. I remember that day when I focused on the shot and being excited for what's to come of it a week or so later.

These are a few photos from the time my family and I visited Hollywood and Universal Studios.


Street Performers...

Image0696 Hollywood and ...

The Magician...

The Magician

"Do you remember your card?..."


As I look back at these photos... I feel as though I can relate with this particular photo of the magician with my 35mm camera. I metered over and over again, I was on my toes, working from light and trying to become familiar with it. Remembering what ISO film I had in the camera, choosing my aperture and shutterspeed... then taking the shot. I felt like a magician with a light capturing magic hat. When I would get my film processed, it felt as though I was pulling a bunny out of my hat. Even I'm surprised at times. Capturing light is still magical to me.

Santa Monica

Santa Monica

A few photos snapped at Santa Monica in CA.

Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica

The end.

Kathleen and Andy

Kathleen and Andy

Another photo of two of my favorite people in the world.

Their relationship has become such a testament to my life that love does prevail, and their relationship with me is one that I value so highly. They've been engaged and I am so excited for their growth together and what God has in store for them now and in the future. Lilbwear, Andybwear, I love you two! ♥